Baby Acne
Acne is not uncommon in babies, but it is important in all cases of baby acne that the clinical type of acne should be correctly identified. Most cases of baby acne occurring in the initial months of life are of the infantile clinical type and are not serious, but some cases of baby acne are associated with other clinical acne types, particularly adolescent acne, and have an underlying cause which requires specific treatment.
Definition of Baby Acne
Baby acne refers to the occurrence of acne in a patient during the first year of life. Although this is a short period of time chronologically, in development terms there are enormous differences between a newborn baby and an infant approaching its first birthday.
Causes of Baby Acne
Baby acne is not all of the same clinical type, although one clinical type of acne is responsible for the majority of cases:
- Infantile Acne
The majority of cases of baby acne are attributable to infantile acne, a clinical type of acne responsible only for acne in babies. It is commonest in babies under five weeks of age and the incidence drops off markedly after the second month of life. - Drug-Induced Acne
Acne can occur as a result of drug treatment during the first year of life, although parents are usually forewarned if their baby is being prescribed a medicine capable of causing acne. - Adolescent Acne
Adolescent type acne occurs in babies who have an underlying endocrine disorder or hormone producing tumour and is usually accompanied by signs of development of the genitalia. - Other Clinical Types of Acne
Whilst it is theoretically possible for other clinical types of acne to cause baby acne, in practice babies do not come into contact with the causative agents for the other clinical types of acne - industrial chemicals, cosmetics etc.
Significance of Acne in Babies
Although baby acne is not uncommon, it is important that the correct clinical type of acne is diagnosed, that underlying medical causes are excluded and that any treatment is medically supervised. The correct course of action is to consult a doctor immediately if a baby develops acne type spots. Infantile acne does not require urgent medical attention, but some of the other conditions which cause acne or acne-like spots in babies are medical emergencies.